Client Success

L.M.H. - retired clergy/artist - NYC
The space that I had hoped to use as an office/studio had become so cluttered and disorganized, I couldn’t even go in there. I decided to work with Valerie because I know and trust her. I gradually saw decluttering and organization taking place. Valerie and I went through every box and bag. We sorted: keep, discard, give away. We put like with like, chose appropriate storage containers, and labeled everything. I now know how to declutter and organize on my own. I continue to use the skills I learned from Valerie to go through every room, closet, and drawer. My office/studio is so organized, I can go from task to task with relative ease. As I continue to unclutter and organize, I know this for sure: less clutter equals less stress. Valerie is a professional and has a great deal of knowledge in the area of organizational challenges. She is respectful, trustworthy, and knows the extent of how she can and cannot guide and assist her clients. Even though I was exhausted by the end of our work sessions, we made continuing progress. The end result was so gratifying– I'm still amazed!
I reached out to Valerie to help me figure out how to prioritize the events and actions in my life. I decided to work with her because she made me feel comfortable. After we began working together, I saw that it was easier for me to complete tasks that I set out to do without becoming as distracted as I used to. When we created a personalized form to help me follow in order to prioritize my schedule of day-to-day life activities it became easier to reach my goals, this also helped take the pressure off of my partner who used to have to ensure I was getting things done. I discovered that I am able to remember more by having everything written down, and realized that if I do not write them down, I will not do them or recall them. It has now become second nature to jot down all my notes and makes it significantly easier to follow through with them! I am also getting better at being more observant towards things in my household that need to be done including cleaning, grocery shopping, and also increased communication with my partner. This has made our relationship and household run much more smoothly. I would DEFINITELY recommend Valerie and think everybody could benefit from sitting through a consultation and learning about what she has to offer them. I would point out her keen ability to manage difficult schedules, as well as unique and helpful tips for organizing. These have been very beneficial to me! My experience of working with Valerie has been incredible. She is fantastic at not being judgmental - never once was I judged for forgetting/messing something up. She read me well and easily understood the points I was trying to make as well as ways to help meet my needs. Valerie is in it with me - we go through everything together and her knowledge helps make difficult tasks easier. She has a “KEANE” sense of understanding (ha! Hahaha!) and really helped me understand my executive functioning difficulties in addition to providing applied practices. Valerie has helped me to create a routine. She’s great at keeping me on track when I get derailed, as well as providing me with ways to keep myself on track when we are not working together. Valerie has helped to increase my communication abilities with others, as well as with my partner.
Daniel Trupia, custodian - West Islip, NY
K.S.H., financial services - Greenwich, CT
I was in desperate need of help. My office was a mess; my work life and my home life were getting increasingly disorganized and stressful. Valerie is an amazing combination of kindness and sensitivity, but effectiveness and order. It is like hiring an organizational expert and getting a psychotherapist and a life coach for free. After I began working with her I immediately felt a sense of relief, knowing that I had a partner to help me create some order in my life. She has instilled in me some very positive habits. Valerie has provided me with solutions for problems that plagued me. The biggest difference our working together has had on my life is I don’t feel as stressed. I have been armed with solutions. I know I have a partner; I know I have the tools to be successful. I would highly recommend Valerie and tell anyone considering working with her that she changed my life for the better. This was the best experience I ever had with a professional.
Melissa Sgambati, business owner - West Islip, NY
My life is chaotic and I was failing at managing it well without becoming incredibly overwhelmed. I decided to work with Valerie because we have very similar lifestyles and experiences that allowed me to feel comfortable opening up to her and the work she did with my partner helped me realize there were ways in which I could certainly utilize her services. After she began working with me, I became more motivated, knowing I had someone to keep me accountable and checking in pushed me to make sure I was hitting deadlines and doing things I should be doing. Valerie also helped me figure out a better work/life balance and gave me permission to take care of myself, something nobody has ever done before. The work we did together with my partner helped me realize how much emotional work I had been doing in my relationship, as well as validated my feelings of being overwhelmed. My outlook on work vs. life has improved dramatically since starting to work with Valerie. I am finding it easier to work in a routine/schedule, and having assignments (such as asking myself what I really want in life in all the areas that matter) has been tremendous for my self-esteem and goal setting. The group sessions with my partner have opened up a line of communication that has assisted in working out several issues regarding division of labor, accountability, and scheduling. Her services have truly, without hyperbolizing, saved our relationship, and my sanity. I am more goal-oriented, and stick to a schedule more than I ever have. I find it easier to complete tasks as well as honor the time “off” that I give myself. This lowers my stress levels which, in addition to the help with my partner regarding excess emotional labor I had been providing without realizing that was even a thing, has changed our relationship in so many positive ways. I could go on forever about Valerie and her services. She covers such a broad spectrum of topics that almost anybody could benefit from her help! The couples sessions have been eye-opening for myself and my relationship; I have watched my partner grow leaps and bounds in just a few months, and myself as well. It is difficult to fully articulate the gratitude I have for what she has done for me and my partner. Ultimately I know we do the work, but she is there every step of the way and I have never felt so supported in my efforts. The experience of working with Valerie is: Beautiful. Lifechanging. Emotional. Hard. Worth it. It isn’t easy work, it is a lot of failing and trying and learning and changing to figure out what is the best route to take, and in the end all of her help still can’t MAKE me or my partner do something but, the way in which she carries out her sessions, her kindness and passion, makes me want to try harder, to push more - to know there is someone in my corner is the most valuable (and INVALUABLE) service of all. The virtual sessions make it simple to fit her into my hectic schedule, and go just as smoothly as if you are sitting in the same room - but I can do it in my pajamas! Valerie is always listening, and provide exceptional advice on both a professional and emotional level. I could go on forever about my experience with her.
Anonymous, student - Greenwich, CT
I reached out to LOTIS to help organize myself and better manage all my commitments and Valerie was recommended to me. After I began working with her, my responsibilities and tasks were much clearer and better organized, which made me more efficient. I was less messy and more organized and better at planning things out. The biggest difference our work together has had on my life is that I am more on top of all my work. I would recommend Valerie to someone who is considering working with her and I would say that she is very kind and smart and able to pinpoint areas for growth and improvement, and then actually execute on that with useful strategies and tips. My experience working with Valerie was worthwhile and meaningful.